How it works and what you can do about it (9 July 2025)

DAD - Addressing everyday racism

  Professionals        Multiple levels
€ 615
How it works and what you can do about it (9 July 2025)

DAD - Addressing everyday racism


   Multiple levels







“But we’re not racist!” “Racism doesn’t exist here.” “We are color blind.” 

Statements like these, despite often being sincere and even well-intentioned, dismiss the lived experiences of countless individuals who face subtle, yet persistent, racial discrimination daily.

This course raises awareness of everyday racism, the various roles that all of us (including racialized people) play in it at any given time, and, as a starting point for a more equitable future, explores how to overcome resistance to acknowledging racism and its effects.

Guest faculty

Drs. Charlotte Wekker

Why participate

Helping ourselves and stakeholders acknowledge and articulate their own fears, frustrations, and questions around race and racism — and learn how to sit with the vulnerability and discomfort that these topics often bring — can seem overwhelming.

This is especially true in communities where race may not be openly discussed or is avoided altogether — a denial which only perpetuates the already endemic problem.

But recognition of the issue and our role(s) in it is a pre-requisite for moving forward to a more equitable future. Guided, constructive conversations and dialogues can be important starting points in this process, noting that real change takes intention, time, practice, grace, and accountability.

This course is for those who work to help individuals and organizations develop across differences and can benefit from learning more about how to help stakeholders move beyond “Us vs Them” and start to discuss — using open and constructive dialogue — racism “not as a fight against white people but against systems that maintain white privilege” and are exclusionary.

It is led by Drs. Charlotte Wekker, a trainer, coach, researcher, and advisor in the field of equal opportunities. On faculty at the Hanze University (Netherlands), she specializes in helping groups use dialogue to develop innovative solutions for complex social issues.

Participant profile/requirements

This course is for you if you are — or are helping those who are —

  • Helping individuals and organizations develop across differences as a DEI or related practitioner and can benefit from learning more about how to initiate the topic of race / racism in ways that promote constructive engagement without alienating stakeholders in workplaces, classrooms, etc.
  • A coach, mentor or otherwise work with people on their interpersonal development and want to feel more confident in conversations around race, e.g. when a coaching client or student you mentor or advice is experiencing racism.

Contact us if you have questions about the suitability of this course for your circumstances.

Learning outcomes

In this course, you will learn how to help yourself and those you work with so that you/they can better: 

  • Be aware about the existence and impacts of everyday racism.
  • Help move beyond past resistance to addressing racism by allowing for discussion about the reasons behind the resistance.
  • Hold constructive conversations about race using the “Dear White Groningen” and similar dialogical approaches.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a Certificate of Participation listing 6 contact learning hours. 

For course additional details see the Institute for Developing Across Differences website. 

Help yourself and those you work with:

  • Raise awareness about institutional racism 
  • Address resistance to or denial of the topic
  • Move stakeholders past resistance toward solution
€ 615

Available dates