Using neuroscience to foster workplace inclusion, diversity, & personal leadership (9-11 July 2025)

DAD - Applying neuroscience

  Professionals        Multiple levels
€    1550
Using neuroscience to foster workplace inclusion, diversity, & personal leadership (9-11 July 2025)

Applying neuroscience


   Multiple levels







Explore the science of making diversity work. Applied Neuroscience and Brain Organisational Neuroscience are new disciplines made possible only with recent technological innovations that offer scholars and practitioners new approaches for developing across differences.
Guest faculty

Mai Nguyen,PhD

Why participate

This in-depth course examines how rather than relying on fear-based approaches (ref Hofstede’s statement that “Culture is more often a source of conflict than synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster.”), workplaces and communities can instead apply neuroscience insights and Positive Organisational Scholarship (POS) to pursue personal leadership, inclusion and diversity efforts in order to reap its moral, social, and economic benefits.

Drawing from the emerging field of applied neuroscience and POS, the course provides fundamental, hands-on, and up-to-date knowledge and skill-building that helps you better understand how the brain works and how you can make it work for you—and help your clients do the same.

In being able to more critically reflect on theories and practices that have been the mainstream and see where they can be enriched or debunked with insights from neuroscience, you and those you work with will be able to create and improve workplace policies and strategies on bias management, diversity & inclusion practices, change management, intercultural communication, work-life balance, and personal development.

Participant profile/requirements

This course is for you if are a mid- to senior-level in-house professional or consultant/trainer/multiplier/educator who helps those who:

  • Are implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives within their organisations;
  • Offer training and on-the-job professional development to help colleagues better communicate and collaborate;
  • Work with those who appreciate “hard science”-based evidence for making system-wide and personal change.

NB: Neuroscience is often considered a topic beyond the reach of daily practitioners, many of whom may not have a background in the hard sciences. While a general understanding of neuroscience is helpful, the core concepts we will address do not require a specialised understanding in this area.

Learning outcomes

In this course, you will learn how to help yourself and those you work with so that you/they can better: 

  • Critically appreciate neuroscience myths and realities and how the former may be erroneously incorporated into mainstream practices in the workplace and otherwise. 
  • Articulate the fundamentals of neuroscience, including neuroplasticity, neurogenesis and epigenetics.
  • Understand cultural neuroscience connections, i.e. those between culture, cultural values, and acculturalisation with genes and brain using an interdisciplinary approach that fosters the potential of a multicultural mind.
  • Understand neuroscience’s role in learning and well-being, including mindfulness, workout, and mind-gut connection.
  • Apply insights from neuroscience to understand and work with biases and change management. 

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a Certificate of Participation listing 18 contact learning hours. 

Participant reflections

Here's what past participants have to say about this course:

  • “Mai is an extraordinary facilitator.  I don't think I've ever experienced a teacher quite like her.  She combines rigor and fun in a completely engaging way.”
  • “Fantastic professor, bring her back!”
  • “This course and faculty are top. Dr. Nguyen applies what she teaches literally (for example taking obligatory power naps), and explains difficult stuff to laymen.”

For course additional details see the Institute for Developing Across Differences website.

Help yourself and those you work with:

  • Challenge neuroscience myths
  • Make culture-to-neuroscience connections
  • Understand the brain's role in learning and well-being
  • Work with biases and change management
€ 1550

Available dates